Command Line Interface#

$ pdf2docx --help

    pdf2docx - Command line interface for pdf2docx.

    pdf2docx COMMAND | -

    Command line interface for pdf2docx.

    COMMAND is one of the following:

      Convert pdf file to docx file.

      Convert one PDF page and plot layout information for debugging.

      Extract table content from pdf pages.

By range of pages#

Specify pages range by --start (from the first page if omitted) and --end (to the last page if omitted).


The page index is zero-based by default, but can turn it off by --zero_based_index=False, i.e. the first page index starts from 1.

Convert all pages:

$ pdf2docx convert test.pdf test.docx

Convert pages from the second to the end:

$ pdf2docx convert test.pdf test.docx --start=1

Convert pages from the first to the third (index=2):

$ pdf2docx convert test.pdf test.docx --end=3

Convert second and third pages:

$ pdf2docx convert test.pdf test.docx --start=1 --end=3

Convert the first and second pages with zero-based index turn off:

$ pdf2docx convert test.pdf test.docx --start=1 --end=3 --zero_based_index=False

By page numbers#

Convert the first, third and 5th pages:

$ pdf2docx convert test.pdf test.docx --pages=0,2,4


Turn on multi-processing with default count of CPU:

$ pdf2docx convert test.pdf test.docx --multi_processing=True

Specify the count of CPUs:

$ pdf2docx convert test.pdf test.docx --multi_processing=True --cpu_count=4

This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or implied. This software is distributed under license and may not be copied, modified or distributed except as expressly authorized under the terms of that license. Refer to licensing information at or contact Artifex Software Inc., 39 Mesa Street, Suite 108A, San Francisco CA 94129, United States for further information.

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